When it comes to air filtration, size does matter. This is especially true for cold air intake filters, which can have a big impact on performance. HVAC technicians can evaluate your specific unit and know what type of filter your oven can handle and what is best for your system. Thicker filters provide a snug fit that does not allow unfiltered air to pass through, while also allowing a better flow of purified air.
A 4 to 5 filter is usually recommended for superior filtration. Before you waste time on the HVAC unit controller or central return air vent, first adjust the thermostat to turn off the air conditioning system. To ensure that the next filter you purchase is the correct size for your system, you should measure the inside dimensions of the air cleaner inlet. Home Depot mainly sells Honeywell brand air filters, while ACE Hardware mainly carries Filtrete.
However, they usually add an additional surcharge to the filter to compensate for the services they provided. HVAC service companies typically offer air filter replacement services, as well as system repair and unit installation services. When you change oven filters, the first thing you want to do is to know what size oven filter you have. The only exception to this rule is when a filter element is attached to a long channel, such as in the case of cold air intakes of EFI engines.
In these cases, you have more flexibility in selecting the size of the filter, since you can choose one that is longer than the size of the opening. Using a properly sized air filter for your HVAC unit is essential to keep your system running smoothly and reap all the benefits your air filter has to offer. It's important to understand how size affects performance and efficiency when it comes to air filtration.